Support Grants to Organisations

Support Grants to Organisations

These grants are awarded to bona fide youth groups and charities which have 75% of their members under the age of 21. The main purpose of the youth group must be to deliver youth work / social education to this age group who are resident in the County of Norfolk. Grants would not normally exceed £2,500. Applicants must provide copies of their last annual accounts as well as an up-to-date bank statement.

Training Grants

  • These grants are to support the training of adults in charities and voluntary organisations.
  • A grant of up to 50% of costs up to £2,500 would normally be the maximum.

Support Grants to Organisations

These grants are intended for improvement and development of charities and voluntary organisations and may be used in the following ways:

  • Equipment
  • Buildings
  • Start up grants

Applications must be completed/sent by the following times for submission to the next meeting:

Winter · Spring · Summer · Autumn

Applications will only be considered if the following conditions are met:

  • Ensure you have read and signed the declaration.
  • Grants are awarded to cover the financial year 1 April to 31 March.
  • Grants will not be given for money already spent.
  • Decisions made by Trustees are final.
  • A Trustee or member of staff may contact the organisation to arrange to visit the event/project.
  • Applications for further grants are not normally considered within a period of two years.
  • Applicants must provide copies of their last annual accounts as well as an up-to-date bank statement.
  • The Independent Referee form must be completed and attached to the application form.

Please note all fields where you are requested to provide as much information as possible will expand as you type so please write as much as you wish in their place.


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1Information About the Application
2Information about the Organisation
3Information about the Grant being Requested
4Bank Details & Audited Accounts

Please make sure that you have read the grants criteria fully before submitting an application and complete ALL sections. The Independent Referee form must be completed alongside this application form.

* = Required Field

This is an application on behalf of

Section One - Information About the Application

Name of Main Contact for this Application
If Applicable
If Applicable
Grants may not be payable to individuals.