Individuals / Groups of Young People
Guidelines & Conditions
Funding Information
Application Form
The grants are for up to £2,500 and are for young people aged under 21 years who are resident in the County of Norfolk.
Applications must be completed/sent by the following times for submission to the next meeting:
Winter · Spring · Summer · Autumn
Applications will only be considered if the following conditions are met:
- Applications must be made by young people. If form filling is a problem, Trustee members or our staff are happy to visit and help. If support has been given to fill in the form please state who has helped and why.
- Individual applications must describe how the young person will benefit, who else could benefit from the receipt of a grant and who the application is supported by.
- There must be a strong connection with Norfolk (e.g. living, working or resident in Norfolk for some two years or more).
- The Independent Referee form is completed and attached to the application form.
The background, circumstances, situation and location of applicants will be taken into account when applications are considered.
Types of applications which may receive funding include:
- Applications/projects or initiatives, which challenge discrimination of any kind.
- Applications/projects, which are about young people being Active Citizens.
- Community Arts (dance, drama, theatre, murals/graffiti projects etc.)
- Facilities/equipment really needed, wanted and supported by communities.
- Supporting young people to follow personal ambitions.
- Crime prevention
Red House Youth Trust will not fund:
- Anything that is illegal, discriminatory or likely to attract negative attention to the group.
- Individuals who are outside the age range or the county of Norfolk
- Trips abroad
- Redhouse Youth Trust will also not give grants to replace statutory funding.
Grants will not be given for money already spent. Decisions made by Trustees are final.
Please note all fields where you are requested to provide as much information as possible will expand as you type so please write as much as you wish in their place.